Information på Svenska
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Företrädesemission/Extra bolagsstämma 2024
Styrelsen för aXichem AB (publ) (”aXichem” eller ”Bolaget”), som är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market (”Nasdaq First North”), har idag den 1 februari 2024, förutsatt bolagsstämmans godkännande, beslutat att genomföra en emission av aktier och teckningsoptioner (”Units”) med företrädesrätt för befintliga aktieägare om cirka 40,3 MSEK före emissionskostnader (”Företrädesemissionen”). En Unit består av fem A-aktier och fem teckningsoptioner av serie TO1A. Teckningskursen per Unit uppgår till 7,50 SEK, motsvarande 1,50 SEK per A-aktie. Teckningsoptionerna ges ut vederlagsfritt. Företrädesemissionen omfattas till 70 procent av tecknings- och garantiåtaganden. Företrädesemissionen förutsätter godkännande av en extra bolagsstämma, som är planerad att hållas den 6 mars 2024. Kallelse till den extra bolagsstämman kommer att offentliggöras genom ett separat pressmeddelande.
Emissionen genomförs för att kommersialisera aXiphen® och aXivite®, genomföra de ytterligare studier som krävs för marknadsgodkännande av phenylcapsaicin (aXiphen®) i EU samt för att återbetala del av konvertibellån. Efter godkännandet av phenylcapsaicin i Brasilien uppdaterar aXichem omsättningsmålet för aXiphen® på den brasilianska marknaden till 10 MSEK för innevarande år och 40 MSEK 2025.
Styrelsen har idag vidare beslutat att uppta ett nytt konvertibellån från Formue Nord Fokus A/S (”Formue Nord”) om cirka 5,3 MSEK som delvis ersätter befintligt konvertibellån. Offentliggörandet av delårsrapporten för det fjärde kvartalet 2023 ändras till den 5 mars 2024.
Pressmeddelande: aXichem genomför företrädesemission (PDF)
Kallelse: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i aXichem(PDF)
Information in English
Important information
The information contained in this section of aXichem’s website is restricted and is not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Australia, Belarus, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea or in any jurisdiction in which such release, distribution or publication would contravene applicable laws or regulations or require further offer documents, filings or other measures in addition to those required under Swedish law.
Release, publication, or distribution of this information may be subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions. Recipients of this information in the jurisdictions where this information has been released, published, or distributed should inform themselves of and comply with such restrictions.
This information does not constitute an offer to, or an invitation to, acquire or subscribe for any securities in aXichem in any jurisdiction. The invitation to interested persons to participate in the rights issue will only take place through the Prospectus that the Company will publish in connection with the rights issue.
This information does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities referred to herein may not be sold in the United States without registration, or without application of an exemption from registration, under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. The information in this information may not be disclosed, published, copied, reproduced or distributed, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, in or to the United States, Australia, Belarus, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, or any other jurisdiction where such disclosure, publication or distribution of this information would be contrary to applicable laws and regulations.
Within the European Economic Area, no offer to the public of securities is made in any country other than Sweden. In other member states of the European Union, such an offer can only be made in accordance with exceptions in the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.
Rights issue/Extraordinary general meeting in 2024
The Board of Directors of aXichem AB (publ) ("aXichem" or the "Company"), which is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (“Nasdaq First North”), has today, on February 1, 2024, subject to subsequent approval by the General Meeting, resolved on a new issue of shares and warrants (“Units”) with pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders of approximately SEK 40.3 million before issue costs (the "Rights Issue"). One unit consists of five shares of class A and five warrants of series TO1A. The subscription price per Unit is 7.50 SEK, corresponding to 1.50 SEK per share. The warrants are issued free of charge. The Rights Issue is covered to 70 percent by subscription and guarantee commitments. The Rights Issue is subject to approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting, which is intended to be held on March 6, 2024. A notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting will be published through a separate press release.
The Rights Issue is carried out to commercialize aXiphen® and aXivite®, to conduct the additional studies required for market approval of phenylcapsaicin (aXiphen®) in the EU and to repay part of a convertible loan. Following the approval of phenylcapsaicin in Brazil, aXichem updates its revenue target for aXiphen® in the Brazilian market to SEK 10 million for the current year and to SEK 40 million in 2025.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors has today resolved to raise a new convertible loan from Formue Nord Fokus A/S (”Formue Nord”) of approximately SEK 5.3 million, partly replacing the existing convertible loan. The publication of the interim report for the fourth quarter of 2023 is changed to March 5, 2024.
Pressrelease: aXichem carries out rights issue (PDF)
Notice: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in aXichem (PDF)
Pressmeddelande: aXichem genomför företrädesemission (PDF)
Kallelse: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i aXichem (PDF)
Pressrelease: aXichem carries out rights issue (PDF)
Notice: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in aXichem (PDF)
Ny bolagsordning (PDF)
Emissionsbeslut Unitemission (PDF)
Styrelsens redogörelse (PDF)
Revisorns yttrande (PDF)
Teckningsoptionsvillkor (PDF)
Fullmaktsformulär EGM (PDF)
Protokoll EGM (PDF)
Registreringsbevis (PDF)